Doc McAlister Billingsley

Curriculum vitae

October 2024

Ph.D., Anthropology
Tel: (314) 827-6798

Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Elmira College
Elmira, New York


2014 Ph.D. Washington University in St. Louis, Anthropology
Dissertation: So That All Shall Know’: Memory Activism & Epistemic Authority in Guatemala
(Committee: Bret Gustafson, chair; Peter Benson; Tabea Linhard; Elzbieta Sklodowska; Kedron Thomas; James V. Wertsch)
2008 A.M. Washington University in St. Louis, Anthropology
2005 B.A. Millsaps College, Sociology-Anthropology, summa cum laude with honors


Grants, Fellowships, and Awards

2015 Engaged Anthropology Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation
2013 Dissertation Fellowship, Washington University in St. Louis
2011 Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant
2009 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Grant
2009 Graduate Student Prize, Neureuther Essay Competition
2008 Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, U.S. Department of Education
2008 Travel Award, Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis
2008 International Pre-Dissertation Research Grant, Department of International and Area Studies, Washington University in St. Louis
2007 Travel Award, Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis
2006 University Fellowship, Washington University in St. Louis
2004 Freeman Foundation Award for Study in Asia, Institute of International Education


Book Chapters

In press “Memory.” International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, published by Wiley-Blackwell.
2011 “The Role of Narratives in Commemoration: Remembering as Mediated Action” Co-authored with James V. Wertsch. Published in: Cultures and Globalization volume 4: Heritage, Memory, Identity. Anheier, H. and Isar, R., eds. Pp. 25-38. London: Sage Publications. Online:

Book Reviews

2010 “Conceptualizing the Bolivian Modern Experience: Liberalism as Pattern of Intention.” Review of Mark Goodale’s Dilemmas of Modernity: Bolivian Encounters with Law and Liberalism. In A Contracorriente, Vol. 7 No. 3 (Spring 2010). Online:

Peer-Reviewed Articles

2004 “Geophysical prospection and soil chemistry at the Early Copper Age settlement of Vésztó-Bikeri, Southeastern Hungary.” Co-authored with: Apostolos Sarris, Michael L. Galaty, Richard W. Yerkes, William A. Parkinson, Attila Gyucha, and Robert Tate. Published in: Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 31 No. 7 (July 2004):927- 939. Online:
2004 “Family Planning and the Thai Fertility Decline: Applying a Cultural Framework for Analysis” Online Sociological Review of the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association (2010). Online:


Invited Talks

2015 "From Local Knowledge to National Truth: Historical Memory & Indigenous Activism in Guatemala." University of West Florida—Pensacola, 24 February 2015.
2013 "Confronting the demons of the past: Memory activism in post-war Guatemala." Southern Illinois University—Edwardsville, 25 February 2013. Online:

Conference Panels Organized and Chaired

2013 "Anthropology and Memory Studies: Creating Ethnographies of Collective Remembering." Panel organizer and chair. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 20-23. Online:

Conference Papers

2015 "Ethnographer, Historian, Activist: Lessons in Engaged Research from Guatemala’s Maya Movements." Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Denver, November 19.
2014 "So that all shall know: Memory Activism & Epistemic Authority in Guatemala." Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, May 24.
2013 “Historical Memory as Weapon and Arena: Comparing Three Forms of Memory Activism in Guatemala.” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 20-23.
2013 “Narrative Rifts and Wars of Position: Public Commemorations and Collective Memories in Post-War Guatemala.” Annual Meeting of the American Ethnological Society and the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology, Chicago, April 11-13.
2013 “Re-encountering ancestral knowledge in the Popol Wuj: Historical memory and intercultural dialogue in Quiché, Guatemala.” Annual Meeting of the Central States Anthropological Society, St. Louis, April 4-6.
2011 “Paisajes Monumentales y las Políticas de la Memoria: hacia una perspectiva comparativa.” IX Congreso de Estudios Mayas (Congress of Maya Studies), Guatemala City, August 2-5. Available online: (English) (Spanish)
2009 “Beyond the Ecological Native: Environmental Representation and Praxis in Maya Schools.” Co-authored with Katherine Fultz. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, November 2-6.
2009 “Prácticas y producción de libros de texto y otros materiales para la educación maya”, VIII Congreso de Estudios Mayas (Congress of Maya Studies), Guatemala City, August 5-7.
2008 "Teaching about Violence in a 'Culture of Peace'?: Reflections from Maya Educators in Post-war Guatemala." Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 19-23.
2008 "The Current State of Guatemalan Studies: How Can We Facilitate Greater Intellectual Exchange with Guatemalan and Mayan Scholars in Guatemala?" Roundtable discussion, Guatemala Scholars Network Conference, Nashville, October 11.
2004 “Three Perspectives on Thai Demographics: A Comparison of Social Theories.” Best Undergraduate Paper Award. Annual Meeting of the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association, Starkville, Mississippi.
2003 “Site Soil Chemistry at Vésztõ-Bikeri, Békés County, Hungary”, Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee, April.

Campus Talks

2012 “Public Commemorations and Collective Memories in Post-War Guatemala.” Latin American Colloquium Series, Washington University in St. Louis, October 30.

Research interests

Memory activism and the politics of knowledge production; language ideologies, literacy practices, and bilingual intercultural education; social movements; indigenous rights and language activism; nationalism and state sovereignty; citizenship, diversity, & discrimination; digital technologies & gamification; Guatemala; the Americas


Course Experience as Instructor

Elmira College

2019 Fall Cultural Anthropology (syllabus)
2019 Fall Peoples of Latin America (syllabus)

Southeast Missouri State University

2017 Fall, 2019 Spring Ethnographic Field Methods (syllabus)
2017 Spring, 2019 Spring MesoAmerican Civilizations (syllabus)
2016 Fall - 2019 Spring Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology (syllabus)
2018 Fall Anthropology of Religion (syllabus)
2018 Spring Shamans, Cyborgs, and the Limits of Human Nature (syllabus)
2017 Fall Medical Anthropology and Public Health (syllabus)
2016 Fall - 2018 Spring Observing Cultures (syllabus)
2016 Fall Human Sexuality (syllabus)
2016 Fall, 2018 Fall First-Year Seminar (syllabus)

Pomona College

2016 Spring Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology (syllabus)
2016 Spring Methods of Anthropological Inquiry (syllabus)
2016 Spring Memory, Truth, Justice: Violence and Human Rights in Latin America (syllabus)
2015 Fall Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology (syllabus)
2015 Fall Human Sexuality (syllabus)

Washington University in St. Louis -- University College of Arts & Sciences

2012 Fall Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (syllabus)

Universidad del Valle de Guatemala -- Facultad de Ciencias Sociales

2010 Fall Political Anthropology: State and Society through Historical Memory (in Spanish) (syllabus)

Washington University in St. Louis -- College of Arts & Sciences

2009 Fall National Narratives and Collective Memory (collaboratively taught) (syllabus)

Course Experience as Teaching Assistant

Washington University in St. Louis

2013 Spring Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (enrollment: 343)
2012 Fall Vote for Pedro: A Critical Look at Youth and Popular Cultures
2012 Spring Anthropology of Modern Latin America
2009 Fall Introduction to Latin American Studies
2009 Spring Indigenous Peoples and Movements in Latin America
2008 Fall Anthropology and Public Health
2008 Spring International Public Health
2007 Fall The Works and Ideas of Great Anthropologists


Professional Affiliations

2013- Latin American Studies Association
2012- American Ethnological Society
2012- Anthropology & Environment Society
2012- Central States Anthropological Society
2005- Guatemala Scholars Network
2005- Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology
2005- American Anthropological Association


2016 Coordinator for Pomona College Department of Anthropology Spring Lecture Series
2015 Panelist for "My Health is Not Up for Debate, is Yours?" event on historical and modern issues in women's health, Laspa Center for Leadership, Scripps College
2013 Workshop on “Ethnographic Data Privacy and Protection” for Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis
2008-2009 Member of Guatemala Scholars Network planning task force
2008-2009 Socio-cultural representative to Anthropology Graduate Student Committee of Three, Washington University in St. Louis
2007-2009 Planning committee, Ethics Night on Campus program, Center for the Study of Ethics and Human Values, Washington University in St. Louis
2006 Volunteer website coordinator and survey data analyst for Latino Memphis, a non-profit education and advocacy organization, Memphis, Tennessee
2002-2005 Editor of La Tinaja: A Journal of Archaeological Ceramics, Millsaps College
2002-2005 Website coordinator, Millsaps College Department of Sociology & Anthropology


English: native language
Spanish: speak, read, and write fluently
K’iche’: intermediate speaking, reading, and writing
Thai: elementary speaking and reading
German: elementary reading