Doc McAlister Billingsley
Curriculum vitae
March 2025
Ph.D., Anthropology
Tel: (314) 827-6798
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Elmira College
Elmira, New York
2014 |
Ph.D. |
Washington University in St. Louis, Anthropology |
Dissertation: ‘So That All Shall Know’: Memory Activism & Epistemic Authority in Guatemala (Committee: Bret Gustafson, chair; Peter Benson; Tabea Linhard; Elzbieta Sklodowska;
Kedron Thomas; James V. Wertsch) |
2008 |
A.M. |
Washington University in St. Louis, Anthropology |
2005 |
B.A. |
Millsaps College, Sociology-Anthropology, summa cum laude with honors |
Grants, Fellowships, and Awards
2015 |
Engaged Anthropology Grant, Wenner-Gren Foundation |
2013 |
Dissertation Fellowship, Washington University in St. Louis |
2011 |
Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant |
2009 |
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Grant |
2009 |
Graduate Student Prize, Neureuther Essay Competition |
2008 |
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship, U.S. Department of Education |
2008 |
Travel Award, Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis |
2008 |
International Pre-Dissertation Research Grant, Department of International and Area Studies, Washington University in St. Louis |
2007 |
Travel Award, Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis |
2006 |
University Fellowship, Washington University in St. Louis |
2004 |
Freeman Foundation Award for Study in Asia, Institute of International Education |
Book Chapters
In press |
“Memory.” International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, published by Wiley-Blackwell. |
2011 |
“The Role of Narratives in Commemoration: Remembering as Mediated Action” Co-authored with James V. Wertsch. Published in: Cultures and Globalization volume 4: Heritage, Memory, Identity. Anheier, H. and Isar, R., eds. Pp. 25-38. London: Sage Publications. Online: |
Book Reviews
2010 |
“Conceptualizing the Bolivian Modern Experience: Liberalism as Pattern of Intention.” Review of Mark Goodale’s Dilemmas of Modernity: Bolivian Encounters with Law and Liberalism. In A Contracorriente, Vol. 7 No. 3 (Spring 2010). Online: |
Peer-Reviewed Articles
2004 |
“Geophysical prospection and soil chemistry at the Early Copper Age settlement of Vésztó-Bikeri, Southeastern Hungary.” Co-authored with: Apostolos Sarris, Michael L. Galaty, Richard W. Yerkes, William A. Parkinson, Attila Gyucha, and Robert Tate. Published in: Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 31 No. 7 (July 2004):927- 939. Online: |
2004 |
“Family Planning and the Thai Fertility Decline: Applying a Cultural Framework for Analysis” Online Sociological Review of the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association (2010). Online: |
Invited Talks
2015 |
"From Local Knowledge to National Truth: Historical Memory & Indigenous Activism in Guatemala." University of West Florida—Pensacola, 24 February 2015. |
2013 |
"Confronting the demons of the past: Memory activism in post-war Guatemala." Southern Illinois University—Edwardsville, 25 February 2013. Online: |
Conference Panels Organized and Chaired
2013 |
"Anthropology and Memory Studies: Creating Ethnographies of Collective Remembering." Panel organizer and chair. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 20-23. Online: |
Conference Papers
2015 |
"Ethnographer, Historian, Activist: Lessons in Engaged Research from Guatemala’s Maya Movements." Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Denver, November 19. |
2014 |
"So that all shall know: Memory Activism & Epistemic Authority in Guatemala." Annual Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, May 24. |
2013 |
“Historical Memory as Weapon and Arena: Comparing Three Forms of Memory Activism in Guatemala.” Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November 20-23. |
2013 |
“Narrative Rifts and Wars of Position: Public Commemorations and Collective Memories in Post-War Guatemala.” Annual Meeting of the American Ethnological Society and the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology, Chicago, April 11-13. |
2013 |
“Re-encountering ancestral knowledge in the Popol Wuj: Historical memory and intercultural dialogue in Quiché, Guatemala.” Annual Meeting of the Central States Anthropological Society, St. Louis, April 4-6. |
2011 |
“Paisajes Monumentales y las Políticas de la Memoria: hacia una perspectiva comparativa.” IX Congreso de Estudios Mayas (Congress of Maya Studies), Guatemala City, August 2-5. Available online: (English) (Spanish) |
2009 |
“Beyond the Ecological Native: Environmental Representation and Praxis in Maya Schools.” Co-authored with Katherine Fultz. Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, November 2-6. |
2009 |
“Prácticas y producción de libros de texto y otros materiales para la educación maya”, VIII Congreso de Estudios Mayas (Congress of Maya Studies), Guatemala City, August 5-7. |
2008 |
"Teaching about Violence in a 'Culture of Peace'?: Reflections from Maya Educators in Post-war Guatemala." Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November 19-23. |
2008 |
"The Current State of Guatemalan Studies: How Can We Facilitate Greater Intellectual Exchange with Guatemalan and Mayan Scholars in Guatemala?" Roundtable discussion, Guatemala Scholars Network Conference, Nashville, October 11. |
2004 |
“Three Perspectives on Thai Demographics: A Comparison of Social Theories.” Best Undergraduate Paper Award. Annual Meeting of the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association, Starkville, Mississippi. |
2003 |
“Site Soil Chemistry at Vésztõ-Bikeri, Békés County, Hungary”, Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee, April. |
Campus Talks
2012 |
“Public Commemorations and Collective Memories in Post-War Guatemala.” Latin American Colloquium Series, Washington University in St. Louis, October 30. |
Research interests
Memory activism and the politics of knowledge production; language ideologies, literacy practices, and bilingual intercultural education; social movements; indigenous rights and language activism; nationalism and state sovereignty; citizenship, diversity, & discrimination; digital technologies & gamification; Guatemala; the Americas
Course Experience as Instructor
Elmira College
2019 Fall |
Cultural Anthropology (syllabus) |
2019 Fall |
Peoples of Latin America (syllabus) |
Southeast Missouri State University
2017 Fall, 2019 Spring |
Ethnographic Field Methods (syllabus) |
2017 Spring, 2019 Spring |
MesoAmerican Civilizations (syllabus) |
2016 Fall - 2019 Spring |
Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology (syllabus) |
2018 Fall |
Anthropology of Religion (syllabus) |
2018 Spring |
Shamans, Cyborgs, and the Limits of Human Nature (syllabus) |
2017 Fall |
Medical Anthropology and Public Health (syllabus) |
2016 Fall - 2018 Spring |
Observing Cultures (syllabus) |
2016 Fall |
Human Sexuality (syllabus) |
2016 Fall, 2018 Fall |
First-Year Seminar (syllabus) |
Pomona College
2016 Spring |
Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology (syllabus) |
2016 Spring |
Methods of Anthropological Inquiry (syllabus) |
2016 Spring |
Memory, Truth, Justice: Violence and Human Rights in Latin America (syllabus) |
2015 Fall |
Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology (syllabus) |
2015 Fall |
Human Sexuality (syllabus) |
Washington University in St. Louis -- University College of Arts & Sciences
2012 Fall |
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (syllabus) |
Universidad del Valle de Guatemala -- Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
2010 Fall |
Political Anthropology: State and Society through Historical Memory (in Spanish) (syllabus) |
Washington University in St. Louis -- College of Arts & Sciences
2009 Fall |
National Narratives and Collective Memory (collaboratively taught) (syllabus) |
Course Experience as Teaching Assistant
Washington University in St. Louis
2013 Spring |
Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (enrollment: 343) |
2012 Fall |
Vote for Pedro: A Critical Look at Youth and Popular Cultures |
2012 Spring |
Anthropology of Modern Latin America |
2009 Fall |
Introduction to Latin American Studies |
2009 Spring |
Indigenous Peoples and Movements in Latin America |
2008 Fall |
Anthropology and Public Health |
2008 Spring |
International Public Health |
2007 Fall |
The Works and Ideas of Great Anthropologists |
Professional Affiliations
2013- |
Latin American Studies Association |
2012- |
American Ethnological Society |
2012- |
Anthropology & Environment Society |
2012- |
Central States Anthropological Society |
2005- |
Guatemala Scholars Network |
2005- |
Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology |
2005- |
American Anthropological Association |
2016 |
Coordinator for Pomona College Department of Anthropology Spring Lecture Series |
2015 |
Panelist for "My Health is Not Up for Debate, is Yours?" event on historical and modern issues in women's health, Laspa Center for Leadership, Scripps College |
2013 |
Workshop on “Ethnographic Data Privacy and Protection” for Department of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis |
2008-2009 |
Member of Guatemala Scholars Network planning task force |
2008-2009 |
Socio-cultural representative to Anthropology Graduate Student Committee of Three, Washington University in St. Louis |
2007-2009 |
Planning committee, Ethics Night on Campus program, Center for the Study of Ethics and Human Values, Washington University in St. Louis |
2006 |
Volunteer website coordinator and survey data analyst for Latino Memphis, a non-profit education and advocacy organization, Memphis, Tennessee |
2002-2005 |
Editor of La Tinaja: A Journal of Archaeological Ceramics, Millsaps College |
2002-2005 |
Website coordinator, Millsaps College Department of Sociology & Anthropology |
English: native language |
Spanish: speak, read, and write fluently |
K’iche’: intermediate speaking, reading, and writing |
Thai: elementary speaking and reading |
German: elementary reading |